
It's All About Productivity

Want to get more out of your work day? This is something we are forever striving for at New Beach Media and we definitely have a few key practices we like to use each day.Here's just a couple of practices we like to stick to each day.

  • Not looking at our emails till midday is one of them (easier said than done).
  • Taking time out from your computer is a must as well (we like to get a quick surf in if possible).
  • Placing your mobile phone face down so you can't see the screen.

Here's a great infographic from Funders and Founders to help you out with your day. While there are a few ideas that may be questionable, there are definitely a few worth adding to your daily routine.

Productivity Infographic

Rhys MorrowSocial Media & Digital PR Dude

Good things can sometimes take times...