
SplendAR In The Grass

Introducing SplendAR

New Beach Media have partnered with tagSpace Mixed Reality to bring a global first for Splendour in the Grass 2019. This groundbreaking AR tech is the first of its kind applied to any festival of this nature, bringing the show to life with animated and interactive experiences using virtual tags in real time.

SplendAR - The Countdown Is On!

So thanks to location tagging, at this year's festival you’ll be able to hold up your phone, point it at the different tents to see who’s playing, who’s up next, where the toilets & bars are in relation to where you are and if that doesn't have your mind blown already, the app will even feature a TENT finder for those who might have a hard time finding it. SplendAR will be launched as an upgrade to the existing Splendour In The Grass App, so all you have to do is upgrade, follow a couple of prompts to launch the plugin and away you go!

Splendour in the Grass App

New Beach Media and tagSpace did a demo last year to show the capabilities of what we could achieve for 2019. The results speak for themselves… Check out this iPhone screen recording preview from Splendour 2018. Not bhed!

SplendAR In The Grass

Good things can sometimes take times...