
The future of social video | Infographic

There's no doubt about it, video is dominating social platforms like never before. As production becomes cheaper, faster and shorter, increased numbers of marketers and SMB owners are telling their story through compelling video content.Animoto have released findings from a report surveying 1,000 professional marketers and 1,000 SMB owners. It was discovered that:

  • 5% of professional marketers and SMB owners that have used video marketing said it had a direct impact on their business.
  • More than 60% of pro marketers and SMB owners say they plan to increase investment in video next year.

Facebook is believed to be the most impactful channel to host video content with 8.4x higher engagement than any other platform. 44% of SMB owners and marketers plan to spend money to promote video content on Facebook in the next 12 months.YouTube remains strong and is currently the second most popular video distributor with 4% of pro marketers and 18.5% of SMB owners planning to invest in paid advertising on the channel within the next year.Mobile has also skyrocketed with Instagram ranking as the top choice for video sharing. More marketers view Instagram videos as important, and are 1.5x more likely to spend money on Instagram videos than SMB owners. Brands and publishers are constantly experimenting with new video platforms and are seeking that competitive edge when using video as a promotional tool.The following infographic illustrates the findings from the report and visually maps out where social video will lead marketers next![caption id="attachment_3497" align="aligncenter" width="600"]

Social Video Infographic

Social Video Infographic[/caption]Source - Animoto

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